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♟️ Playing chess not checkers
Chess Storylines, Fresh Hybrid Grip, and New #1 Course

Hello and welcome, this is The Players Meeting. The only newsletter keeping you updated for the next 8 months of the season. Buckle up.
Let’s get into it.
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Chess.com Invitational
The 1st event is in the books. Whether it was the fan-favorite course, the wholesome winners, or the season finally starting, this weekend got many up in their feels.
How can you not be romantic about disc golf?
In no particular order, here are the storylines you should remember or may have missed:
With his fresh out-the-box 2024 Tour Series Venom, Barela had Hole 12 dialed. Over the event, he totaled 34’ of putting on that hole with 2 bullseyes.
Fresh Plastic
♾️ Infinite’s Highlight: Ledgestone Season 1
The signs of a new season are all around us: Fresh newsletter partner, JomezPro music, and Ledgestone plastic.
Last Friday, all 12 releases of Season 1 dropped. Ledgestone will have 3 seasons each with its own theme.
This latest lineup is inspired by Cinema. From the Necronomicon to Gandalf, each detailed stamp is on a combo of mold and plastic not found anywhere else.
Here are some of my favorites:
ESP Swirl Zombee (6|4|-1|1) - With the Necronomicon stamp, this super-straight flyer will resurrect your game. It’s perfect if you’re looking for a cross between the Buzzz and Stalker
Lightweight ESP Vulture (10|5|0|2) - Ranging from weights of 160g to 167g, this disc will make your noodle arm look like AB’s
Z Swirl Zeus (12|5|-1|3) - On the flippier side of Zeus runs, this bombs and comes in gorgeous plastic
Random Dubs
1️⃣ Babe wake up. Ricky Wysocki dropped a new modified grip AND that he’s always thrown everything with a fan grip.
During the Chess.com press conference, he told Brian that he’s incorporating a weird new hybrid grip. It’s a standard power grip but with his ring finger untucked.
This off-season, he experimented with a power grip and couldn’t get what he was looking for. But with this modification, he got the right mix of power and accuracy.
Honestly, I can’t even contort my hand into what he described. So be warned, and try it at your own risk.
2️⃣ As for other things not on my weekend’s bingo card, Maple Hill has been dethroned as UDisc’s #1 course. The tree farm’s 3-year reign is over.
It’s still the #1 course in the US but is now #4 in the world behind…
#3 Ale Disc Golf Center (Nol, Sweden)
#2 Kippasuo Pro DiscGolfPark (Heinola, Finland)
#1 Krokhol Disc Golf Course (Siggerud, Norway)
If you saw the Krokhol Open coverage from last year, then this comes as no surprise. Built on the abandoned back 9 of a golf course, the layout is ruthlessly difficult while showing off Norway’s beauty.
During this upcoming off-week, rewatch the coverage and be prepared to look up flights to Oslo.
Tweet of the Week
Thanks for reading today. Get out and throw this week!
- Charlie